As I Grow Up

Our senses are so interconnected with our memories and emotions, triggered by the objects, people, and scents we encounter. Clean air is crucial for our survival, yet our tangible senses allow us to believe in our memory. Photos and videos help us retrieve our memories, but our senses are much more than a photograph. Due to human activities, our biosphere is in danger. Human suffering is a response to the conditions in which we live. Years ago, there were many cases of various malignant diseases in the Tikvesh region, and it is difficult to determine the cause of such a condition. Denying reality can affect our mental health. However, the “frames” before and after the photograph can tell a completely different story. Some objects and places are forbidden to photograph, but not for our senses to absorb.

The exhibition is supported by the Museum of Wine Demir Kapija and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia, 2022.

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