We Breathe Together

participatory art project consisting of three stages


Stage 1 – Exchange of knowledge through experiences, collaboration, and nurturing. A group of artists and ecologists from Skopje, Veles, Negotino, and Kavadarci will create artistic installations with natural materials, as well as by recycling waste paper, in a location near the Skopje-Veles highway, close to the Rajko Zhinzifov railway station, in an area known as Lavchani, near the village of S’lp. This workshop is open to all interested external visitors on August 7th and 8th.

Stage 2 – In its next phase, this project includes workshops for recycling and processing paper led by Ana Trajkovska and Draganco Tanevski in collaboration with the Municipal Public Utility Company and the Horticulture Department on the Kavadarci island. Although it is the age of digital media and communication, paper is still in constant use, and its production requires cutting down many trees.

Stage 3 – The third phase is in collaboration with Macedonian Forests – “BOR” Kavadarci and the Horticulture sector of the Municipality of Kavadarci, OOU Straso Pinjur, OOU Toshe Velkov – Pepeto, ZZUŽS Eco – Life, Kavadarci.

The activities are carried out in cooperation with SCS Centar-Jadro within the project “Places of generosity – transformative stations” financed by the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia.

Between August 5th and 8th, a four-day artistic workshop will be held to create ‘land art’ in the area of Lavchani, near Veles. The participating artists are Simona Mancheva, Ana Trajkovska, Risto Josifovski – Rombo, Dorothea Neshovski, Draganco Tanevski, Elena Dimova Pantelic, and Slavica Kapidanova, along with volunteers Una Stoshikj, Viktorija Chocheva, Nikolinka Lazikj, Verica Chocheva, Vlatko Ilov, and Darko Stojanov.

On the third day of the event, August 7th, an interactive Permaculture Workshop will also be held, featuring seed bomb making. The workshop will be led by Elena Danova, an educator with knowledge and experience in the field of permaculture and educational gardening.

– Third phase November December 

Kavadraci – paper recycling, modeling, drawing, painting with natural material, art installations and sculptures with natural materials.

Collaboration with Macedonian Forests – “BOR” Kavadarci, Horticulture sector of the Municipality of Kavadarci, OOU Straso Pinjur, OOU Toshe Velkov – Pepeto, ZZUŽS Eco – Life, Kavadarci.



The second stage takes place October and November in Kavadarci, in collaboration with the Municipality of Kavadarci and the Horticulture sector. The workshops are held at the NGO Info-Center Kavadarci and the city park “Ljupcho Shkartov” in Kavadarci. This project involves artists Dorotej Neshovski, Ana Trajkova, Dragancho Tanevski, and Risto Josifovski-Rombo. A big thanks to the creative students from the primary schools “Dimkata Angelov Gaberot”, students from “Strasho Pinjur”, and the “Tosho Velkov Pepeto” High School, as well as to the other participants who actively took part in the project.

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